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What is GuildedServers?

Don’t feel bad about asking this question, we’re all for transparency. Guilded Servers is a highly unique and brand new website that’s based around server owners having the best possible place to promote. On top of all of that we’re here to ensure that those looking for the latest and greatest Guilded Servers are able to find what they’re looking for.

This being said we have a ton of highly unique features added to our website that makes it stand out from others. Firstly we have a new type of voting system for Guilded servers. This is simply known as Reviews, and is something that’s been around the internet for a while but surprisingly is lacking in server listing sites. As a user of a Guilded server you’re able to give a review on a server stating how the Hospitality, Activity, and Structure of the server is as well as writing down anything else you’d like to share on the server. With this you have the power to tell the world what you feel about the server as well as allow others to see how good or… not so good a Guilded server is. Find out what to watch out for, and what servers go above and beyond for they’re user base. This allows you, the user to find the best server for your needs.


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