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If you're of the legal drinking age then you'd love we have 6  major sections to talk in.

General - A section to talk about general alcohol, day to day activity, and more.

Brewer - This is for anyone who either Brews their own alcohol, to include wine, beer, cider, mead, and more. as well as those interested in learning!

Mixology - This is for anyone who either makes their own mixed drinks, or is interested in making their own mixed drinks!

Liquor/Whiskey - This is for anyone who wishes to talk about Liquors, to include Whiskey's, Vodka, Rum, and more!

Wine/Cider/Mead - This is for anyone who wishes to talk about various types of Wine to include Cider & Mead!

Beer/IPA - This is for anyone who wishes to talk about various types of Beer to include IPAs!

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